Gingerbread Man Wristband Craft Activity

Gingerbread Man Wristband Craft Activity

Love reading “The Gingerbread Man” with your students?

Here’s a cute and easy craft to go along with that story!

Students color and cut out the candy (peppermints and gumdrops) and gingerbread man pictures and glue them onto a “frosting” wristband.

Perfect for the holidays!

**Please note*** The “frosting” graphic is in grayscale. Be sure your printer can print in grayscale before purchasing.

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Ten Reminder Signs for the Classroom

Ten Reminder Signs for the Classroom

Need an easy (and funny) way to remind your students of important information in your class?

Let Mr. Largemouth do it for you this year!

This pack of 10 signs includes all those phrases that are said over and over throughout the year including:

Test tomorrow!
Test today!
Quiz tomorrow!
Quiz today!
Final exam tomorrow!
Final exam today!
Project due tomorrow!
Project due today!
Study tonight!
No homework tonight!

PLUS….there’s even a blank one where YOU can write your own message!

Save your time and energy this year and let this guy handle the reminders for you!

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Barn Art Activity-Build a Miniature Barn and Farmyard Replica

Barn Art Activity-Build a Miniature Barn and Farmyard Replica

This item contains the graphics and visual instructions you need to make your very own farmyard replica!

This activity allows you to make a barn, silo, farm animals, farm decor, and a garden.
MATERIALS NEEDED FOR THIS PROJECT:Cardboard box (sides no longer than 18”) or a shoebox, scissors, glue (stick and liquid), scotch tape, paperclips, crayons or colored pencils, file folder (optional),construction paper or poster board for base, cylinder shaped container(s) for silo (chip can, coffee can, oatmeal container, etc), and any extras you may want to add.
These sets of graphics are black and white and are ready to be colored with crayons or colored pencils.

This product does not come with colored graphics.

Graphic designs include:
Wood Siding
Farm Animals (Horse, sheep, pig, chicken, dog, and cow)
Farm Decor (Barn doors, windows, basket, pail, chicken hutch, haystack, firewood stack, and wheelbarrow)
Garden plants (corn, cabbage, and pumpkins)

These graphics include one set proportioned for a shoebox size box and one set for a regular cardboard box with sides no longer than 18”.

This item also comes with visual step-by-step instructions of one way to construct your farm. There is also a sheet of useful tips.

These graphics are intended to be used on the exterior of the box. No specific interior graphics or interior instructions included.
This activity is perfect for individual, small group, or class.

Duration of project: 3-4 hours depending on age of child.

Perfect for book reports, class themed activities, home activity…or just for fun!
If you have any questions about this item, please ask in the “Question Section” of my store! I’ll be glad to answer them!

If your students like projects like this, they might also like:

Create Your Own Mini Haunted HouseMake a 3-D Bald Eagle Picture

Like this item? Watch for the following model activities coming out in 2013:

Gingerbread house
Log cabin
Alphabet house

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Faculty Meeting Notes Sheet

Faculty Meeting Notes Sheet

If you’re like me, your mind is juggling a hundred different thoughts at once. Remembering all the things you need to do can be a challenge!

So when it comes to faculty meetings, this sheet will help improve how you organize all that extra information.

Categories include:

There’s even additional spaces for:
Urgent matters
What to bring to the meetiing
Date of the meeting
Main Topic (if applicable)
Location of meeting

A great time-saver AND resource to keep you organized!

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Bat Bands-Nature and Halloween Craft Activity

Bat Bands-Nature and Halloween Craft Activity

Do your students love bats?

Have them make a “Bat Band”!

Perfect for Halloween, science units on bats, or fictional books on bats!

Students color, cut, and glue the band around their wrist.

There are two different bands and both are just one, long piece to cut out. One is a little easier (the full moon pattern) for students who may have difficulty cutting around small objects.

Activity duration: 20-30 minutes

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“I Need a Silly Answer!” Language Arts Card Game for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Grade

“I Need a Silly Answer!” Language Arts Card Game for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Grade

Now you can tell your class….”I Need a Silly Answer!”

This fun card game has the players asking silly questions and figuring out which silly answer can answer it. The player who gets rid of all of their silly answer cards first wins!

Because of the humor, the students have to slow down to read and choose the best answer card. This helps them pick out the elements that are needed in choosing a correct answer like subject-verb agreement and verb tense. They also get practice answering “Who,What, Where, How, and Why?” questions correctly.

This is a great way to reinforce test question skills.

Sample Question #1: What do you have on your head?
ONE of the answers that could work: It is pudding.

Sample Question #2: Where are my new crayons?
ONE of the answers that could work: They are in the refrigerator.

Sample Question #3: How did you win the new television?
ONE of the answers that could work: I ate it.

Game includes:
40 Silly Question Cards
40 Silly Answer Cards
Teacher Instructions

Question and answer cards can be printed on white paper or colored paper to differentiate the two stacks.

Perfect for centers, small groups, or rainy days!

2-4 players
Game duration:Approximately 30 minutes.

If your students like silly games, they might also like:

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Shakespeare Classroom Signs

Ten Shakespeare Signs

Do you want to use Shakespeare to emphasize some of your classroom expectations? These Shakespeare classroom signs can do just that!

Each printable sign has a famous quote from one of Shakespeare’s plays (including “Romeo and Juliet”, “Julius Caesar”,  and “King Lear”). Beneath the quote is a funny line that matches a different classroom expectation.

Examples include:
“Beware the Ides of March.” (Deadlines are taken seriously in this class.)

“All the world’s a stage..” (This classroom is the exception.)

Ten different signs focusing on:
Asking questions
Bringing Materials

This is a great way for students to learn Shakespeare quotes! Humor is one of the best ways to help students remember information. These signs are also an educational (and funny) way to remind your class about good behavior.

This digital resource is easily printed out at home or school. You can decorate your classroom in minutes! This is especially useful if you know your class is going to be reading one of Shakespeare’s plays.

     Whether your students are going through “Julius Caesar”, or you’d like to set expectations in a lighthearted way at the beginning of the school year, these humorous Shakespeare signs can help your classroom!

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High School Vocabulary Activity- 30 Word Challenge

High School Vocabulary Activity-The 30-Word Challenge

Teaching students to write and speak with a more advanced vocabulary can prove challenging. However, this simple but effective activity can make it more meaningful and enjoyable for your students!

The 30-Day Challenge is designed to bring thirty high-level vocabulary words to your students in an accessible way. Specifically, these are high-level synonyms of words that your students commonly use in their writing and speaking. Your students’ written work will improve in skill and confidence by getting in the habit of replacing their words with higher-level ones.

Most importantly, the example sentences involve humor. Humor is an altogether excellent way to build a connection to the words and soften the “formalness” that can inhibit their use in writing or speaking.

The 30-Day Challenge introduces a new word each day on a Powerpoint slide. This activity can project onto a whiteboard or be shown on a laptop. Also, slides can be printed out for smaller groups or as visual aids in the classroom.

Tips for making this activity successful:

*Introduce only one word a day. Have a discussion about the word with the class and have them practice saying it with classmates.
*Have the students write the word, meaning, and sentence in their notes or journal.
*Encourage students to use the new words in their writing and speaking.
*Acknowledge when words are used in writing or speaking.
*As often as possible, use the words yourself to reinforce their meanings.

Suggestions on using the list of words:

*They can practice writing words in their own sentences.
*The students can find high-level antonyms of the words and begin to use those.
*Students can practice speaking the words by doing a “conversation game”. Each person has to keep the conversation going while using the words from the list.
*They can write a story or essay using as many words as they can from the list.
*Award points to students who use the words when answering a question or talking to you informally.

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‘Twas the Night Before Christmas Poem Activity

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas Poem Rhyming Activity

Get your students into the holiday spirit with this Christmas poem activity!

Using Clement Moore’s famous ” ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas” poem, students fill in the ending blanks to each of the couplets with their own rhyming words.

This activity also comes with a list of 10 different ways you can do this activity to make it even more fun or challenging. You can even turn it into a game!

A copy of the original poem with all the words is also included.

Perfect activity to do before holiday break!

** Please note: This poem has been written exactly as it was originally. There are some “poetic liberties” that were taken with the grammar and punctuation which may need to be addressed to the students. These were not errors or typos on my part.


This activity gives students experience with poetry, rhythm, and rhyming! These skills are important for students starting to analyze poetic works.

The activity is perfect to play around the holidays! You can introduce your students to the classic poem in a fun and educational way! Also, the activity gets students to express their creative side and create poetry!

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Following Directions Activity

Second and Third Grade: Following Directions Activity Sheet with Party Theme

Do your students need some extra practice following written directions? This following instructions activity will take them through the steps to “decorate” a room for a party.

Students will read through the directions completely and then follow each one to complete the activity. Students will color, draw, cut and glue their items onto the party room according to the directions.

Skills enforced include:
Following written directions
Fine motor skills
Spatial awareness on paper
Reading comprehension

Duration of activity: 30 – 60 minutes.

Materials needed include: scissors, glue, crayons, and pencil.

Teacher looks at student’s work to see that he/she has followed directions. No answer key provided.

All the sheets provided are shown in the thumbnail pictures found on the Teachers Pay Teachers listing.

Easy to use for both teacher and student!


Following directions is an important skill for students to have in the classroom. This is especially important for younger 2nd and 3rd grade students. You can help keep your class organized and on task for any assignment with this activity! In addition, the fun party-theme allows students to learn this ability in a fun and educational way!

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