“I Need a Silly Answer!” Language Arts Card Game for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Grade

“I Need a Silly Answer!” Language Arts Card Game for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Grade

Now you can tell your class….”I Need a Silly Answer!”

This fun card game has the players asking silly questions and figuring out which silly answer can answer it. The player who gets rid of all of their silly answer cards first wins!

Because of the humor, the students have to slow down to read and choose the best answer card. This helps them pick out the elements that are needed in choosing a correct answer like subject-verb agreement and verb tense. They also get practice answering “Who,What, Where, How, and Why?” questions correctly.

This is a great way to reinforce test question skills.

Sample Question #1: What do you have on your head?
ONE of the answers that could work: It is pudding.

Sample Question #2: Where are my new crayons?
ONE of the answers that could work: They are in the refrigerator.

Sample Question #3: How did you win the new television?
ONE of the answers that could work: I ate it.

Game includes:
40 Silly Question Cards
40 Silly Answer Cards
Teacher Instructions

Question and answer cards can be printed on white paper or colored paper to differentiate the two stacks.

Perfect for centers, small groups, or rainy days!

2-4 players
Game duration:Approximately 30 minutes.

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