Project Based Learning Activity – Space Travel

Project Based Learning Activity – Space Travel

**This product can be found in my Late Night Coffee store on Teachers Pay Teachers**

This project based learning activity takes your students into the world of space exploration!

This 10-day activity covers many different technical and creative jobs in the space industry. In addition. it’s a great way to get your students interested in this field!

Activities include:
Designing a logo
Designing a space rover
Troubleshooting spacecraft technology
Creating a news story
Sending movement commands to a space rover
Collecting specimens and data from Mars
Graphing data
Designing a museum exhibit about the space mission
Creating a booklet for the exhibit

This product has 10 daily activities that lead the students through the various jobs that help keep space exploration innovative and educational. Each activity lasts at least an hour. However, they can be broken up into smaller amounts of time if needed.

Everything you need to administer a successful project based activity including:

Letter to Educator
Elements in this project-based learning activity
Challenge/Higher Level Skills Sheet
Group name tags (optional)
Daily journal tabs (optional)
Student Attendance Sheet (optional)
Reflection Log (5 pages)
Current Planet Data Sheet
Logo Design Sheets (2 pages)
Rover Design Sheet
Rover System Check Sheet
News Story Storyboard Sheet
TV Sheet (optional)
Mars’ Terrain Sheet
Rover Movement Command Sheet
Data Log Sheet
Graph Sheet
Exhibit Design Sheet
Media Marketing Sheet
Cover Sheet for Booklet
Days 1-10 Activity Sheets (10 sheets)

Also included:
Daily supplies list for each activity
Skills list for each activity
Main curriculum subjects for each activity

Structured so you don’t have to plan too much, but flexible enough to add your own ideas!

Can be used for whole classroom, small groups, or individuals!

Subjects include:
Social Studies

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Project Based Learning Activity – Bats – Kindergarten & First Grade

Bats Project Based Learning Activity
Bats Project Based Learning Activity

Project Based Learning Activity – Bats – Kindergarten & First Grade

**This product can be found in my Late Night Coffee store on Teachers Pay Teachers**

Introduce your class to the world of bats and let them become mini bat scientists in this project based learning activity!

This 5-day activity covers science, social studies, math, reading, writing, and art.

These daily activities will help gain understanding of the importance of bats in our communities and how to encourage them to live there.

Students will:
Count bats for research
Make a model bat house with bats (with shoebox)
Plan where to put their bat houses in a nature park
Create an informational sign about the bat houses
Make a hanging bat wristband to help teach about bats
Reflect daily on each activity

Subjects include:
Language Arts
Social Studies

This activity includes:
Letter to Educator
Elements in this project-based learning activity
Daily Materials/Subjects/Skills Sheet
Activity Instructions/Tips/Challenges
Reflection Sheet (faces)
Reflections Sheet (written)
Bats for Bat House Sheet
Counting Sheet for Bats
Bat House Example Sheet
Template Sheet for Bats
Wood Panel Sheet for Bat House
Nature Park Sheet
Sign Sheet
Bat Wristband Example Sheet
Bat Wristband Sheet

Also included:
Daily supplies list for each activity
Skills list for each activity
Main curriculum subjects for each activity

Structured so you don’t have to plan too much, but flexible enough to add your own ideas!

Can be used for whole classroom, small groups, or individuals!

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Coconut Tree Paper Craft Printable

Coconut Tree Paper Craft Printable

This paper craft is perfect for your next tropical themed lesson!

You supply the glue, scissors, and cardboard tube and the rest is supplied in the graphics!

This paper craft comes with BOTH colored and black & white versions of the following graphics:

Coconut tree trunk texture
Large and smaller palm leaves

Easy instructions included with example photo of tree.

Palm leaves are a solid leaf graphic for ease in cutting. Simply cut slits into leaves to create a palm style leaf.

Tree measures approximately 12″ when complete, although it can be created to make shorter ones too!

This project can be made on copy paper or cardstock.

This coconut tree paper craft is a great activity for individuals, small groups, whole classrooms, and homeschooling!

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Historical Figure Game for any Person in History!

Historical Figure Game for any Person in History!

This game is an excellent way to review any biography or autobiography your students read!

Students move around the board answering questions about the person. There are 28 total questions on the board.

Questions cover:
Person’s achievements
Media featuring this person
Person’s influence on present day
Person’s family history
Person’s schooling
Birth/Death dates
Inferencing/Opinions about person

Great way to review, study or research about a person!
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Fine Motor Skills Vocabulary Sheets-Pre-K and Kindergarten

Fine Motor Skills Vocabulary Sheets-Pre-K and Kindergarten

Looking for a fun and easy activity sheets for your students? These are perfect for morning work, small groups, centers, and holidays!

These TWENTY sheets provide practice for:

Fine Motor Skills

Letter recognition

Word recognition




Children color and cut out the squares. After that, they glue them on the letters of the large word at the top.

Words include:

Learn (school theme)





Boo! (Halloween theme)

Feast (Thanksgiving theme)


Warm (cold weather theme)


Luck (St. Patrick’s Day theme)



Earth (Earth Day/nature theme)

Mom (Mother’s Day theme)


Bunny (spring theme)

Chick (spring theme)

Argh! (pirate themed)


Each sheet takes about 20 minutes.

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100 Blank Journal Pages for any Subject! Grades 1-5

100 Blank Journal Pages for any Subject! Grades 1-5

** Please note: These blank journal pages are NOT editable. They are designed to use with student driven work.**

This zip file contains 2 PDF files for:
1.Composition book size pages (9″x 6.5″)
2.Notebook size pages (9.5″ x 7″)

Each page has wide ruled lines to ensure all students can easily write on them.

These 100 page designs can help:
Creative Writing
Visual Image of Ideas

Versatile enough to use with any subject!

Page designs include:
Nature and Science Shapes
Fraction Shapes
Speech Bubbles
Full Page Creative Designs
Alphabet A-Z (one large letter on each page)
Notebook Journal Sheet (no design)
Composition Book Journal Sheet (no design)

Simply print on letter size paper, cut out page, and glue into journals.

They can also be stapled together for a specific unit activity or used as a stand-alone sheet. Lots of creative options!

Tip: For best results, print at “Actual Size”. This will ensure the work area of the sheet stays within the parameters of the journal. If it is an unusual sized journal, you may need to resize the sheet when printing.

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Inventions-Creative Thinking Activities for Physical Science

Inventions-Creative Thinking Activities for Physical Science

Unleash your students’ creative and inventive minds!

This product consists of 20 actual mechanical drawings and illustrations of inventions created in the 1800’s and early 1900’s. They are perfect for inspiring new inventions by your students!

Activities that can be used with these drawings include:

1) Creating new inventions by adding on to the drawing and reinventing the purpose of the invention on the page.
2 )Guessing what the original invention was by observing the various functions in the drawing.
3) Identifying the various simple machines that were used to create the invention.
4) Adding a specific simple machine to the invention for reinforcement of that concept.

These are just a few of the activities you can do with these pages!

Each page contains a black and white mechanical drawing of an invention. There is space around each drawing for labels and for creating additional parts.

In addition, there is a list that tells what each invention is on each of the pages.

These activities are also a great way to supplement a unit on simple machines, physical science, inventors, or mechanical drawing.

Used as either a weekly or one time activity, these can be used easily for a whole class, small groups, individuals, or centers.

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Empathy Game: Finding Empathy in Fiction Stories and Books

Empathy Game: Finding Empathy in Fiction Stories and Books

Easy-to-play game that helps open a discussion on empathy!

This game board has 24 empathy questions that can be used with any fiction story or book that your students are reading.

Students roll a die and move through the spaces to the finish line. Every player is a winner in this game. Students walk away from the game feeling good and learning the value of empathy and kindness.

Perfect way to enhance reading comprehension while examining the character trait of empathy.

The game board comes in B&W and color versions.

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Gingerbread House Paper Craft Activity for the Holidays

Gingerbread House Paper Craft Activity for the Holidays

This item contains the graphics and visual instructions you need to make your very own gingerbread house!

** Please note** Some of the graphics are in grayscale. Please make sure you are able to print in grayscale before purchasing.


MATERIALS NEEDED FOR THIS PROJECT:Cardboard box ,scissors, glue (stick and liquid), clear tape, crayons, colored pencils ,thin markers, piece of cardboard or file folder (for roof), construction paper/butcher paper (optional), and poster board for base(optional).


These sets of graphics are black/white and grayscale and are ready to be colored with crayons,colored pencils, and markers.

This product does not come with colored graphics.

Graphic designs include:

Frosting/Icing lines (grayscale)

Frosting/icing rosettes (grayscale)

Candy canes

Peppermints (round)

Candy cane sticks


This item also comes with short visual instructions of one way to construct your gingerbread house. There is also a sheet of useful tips.

These graphics are intended to be used on the exterior of the box. No specific interior graphics or interior instructions included.


This activity is perfect for individuals, small groups, or as a class activity.

Duration of project: 3-4 hours depending on age of child.

Perfect for holiday activities, class projects, or just for fun!


If you have any questions about this item, please ask in the “Question Section” of my store! I’ll be glad to answer them!

Like this item? Watch for the following model activities coming out in 2014:

Log cabin


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