Escape from the Zombies! Sentence Building Game

Escape from the Zombies! Sentence Building Game-4th-8th Grade

Need a sentence building game that reinforces how to write correct sentences and helps your students’ language arts abilities?

Try this “Escape from the Zombies!” sentence building game!

In this game, the players must put together six sentences correctly. The first to finish…..”Escapes from the Zombies!”…and wins!

In order to play this game successfully, the student must have working knowledge of the following parts of speech:

Nouns (plural and singular)

Verbs (past, present, and future tenses)









This game can be used in any subject where writing a correct sentence is necessary. It connects to what is being taught in class because lesson topics can also be used as a theme in this game.

This game can be played with 2-6 players, either individually or in teams.

Duration of game: 30 minutes

Materials needed: 2 die, pencils


Sentence building is a basic part of grammar. Your students can learn how to improve that skill in a fun way with this entertaining game! Students won’t need any advanced knowledge in order to enjoy the game. However, they need to know the basic parts of speech to begin. Sentence building is an important foundation for any further study in English. You can be sure that your students are set up to succeed by doing this activity!

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