QUICK and Easy Gift Box for Last Minute Gifts

Leave that gift bag on your kitchen table this morning? Want to take some cookies to the neighbor but don’t want to use a whipped cream bowl? Need an easy gift box for that gift your group is making today?

You have a nice gift…..but now you need a nice looking box!

Well, you are in luck because here’s a gift box that you can make in about 10 minutes! Seriously, the box pictured took me about ten minutes (minus the time spent taking the photos).

Here are the four things you will need:

  1. Floral paper printable (You can find it in my Etsy store here) I printed on plain copy paper.
  2. Small box (clean food box or small shipping box)
  3. Scissors
  4. Glue
Materials needed

Directions (which can only be found on this website):

Cue “Mission Impossible” music.

Get your box. Cut it to the size you need or just use it if you like the size. For my saltine box…. I undid flaps, flattened it, cut it in half, and taped bottom flaps back together. If you are using a regular cardboard box, cutting the top flaps off will give you sturdy sides on the box for this quick project.

Print floral paper printable. The sheet is 11.5 inches across. You will need to measure around the outside the box you are going to use to know how many pieces to print. Yay math! I used a half of a saltine box and needed two sheets of it….just for reference. Cut out floral graphic from the rest of the white space on paper(s). You can be as concise or as “close enough!” as you want with this. I’m more of a “close enough” kind of person….especially in time crunches.

Next, place the floral graphic up to box. If it is too tall, cut off the bottom edge to desired height. You will want some of the floral part to go above the sides. Now, start gluing the paper around outside of box. If you can, crease the paper at edges for better fit. Glue, smooth, glue, smooth……..glue….smooth.

If you want a smoother transition on edges, crease the edge, add glue, and place other piece over it.

And VOILA!! You have your box! Now if you have time and some floral paper left over, you can glue a piece to the bottom. But really….who looks at the bottom of the box anyway? And besides….we are in a time crunch, people!

Now, if you are in a real pinch, you can use cut/shredded scrap paper, tissue paper, paper bag, or whatever you have that is convenient. Cut…..fluff…..and place in box. Put your gift or items in…and you are done! (Your items will probably be more “gift-like” than mine…although some people might actually appreciate a nice package of tuna) Give yourself a pat on the back and take a breath! You did it!

You can now turn off the “Mission Impossible” music.

You can get this floral paper and another floral design here in my Late Night Coffee store on Etsy!

You can click on photos below to see these designs in my store!

Like DIY crafts? Visit my DIY Vintage Style Rabbit post for another spring craft!

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